INT. TERRY’S LIVING ROOM – NIGHT The television provides itself as a light source in an otherwise pitch-black room. The scene focuses on TERRY, a sixteen year-old young man, asleep on his sofa, as a low-brow comedy film from the 1990’s plays in the background. COMEDY FILM TEEN 1: But the prom’s in less than 4 hours! COMEDY FILM TEEN 2: Come on, you big dork, afraid to live a little? TERRY (sleep-talking): ….S-Sarah…. COMEDY FILM TEEN 2: Think of all the girls that will drool all over you! COMEDY FILM TEEN 1: Girls? Alright, I’m in! COMEDY FILM TEEN 1: Yeah! That’s the spirit!
EXT. BEACH – NIGHT – DREAM SEQUENCE: TERRY sits on a bench by the sand. The waves in front of him crash softly as his eyes gaze at the full moon. Off-screen, the sound of footsteps gradually grow louder until… SARAH, standing behind TERRY, puts her hand on his shoulder. TERRY: Please, leave me alone. SARAH smiles with her head leaning in closer, about to whisper something in his ear.
INT. TERRY’S LIVING ROOM – NIGHT TERRY suddenly awakens, his upper body bolting upright. The sound of immature teenagers emits from his television. COMEDY FILM TEEN 2: God no! I wouldn’t go anywhere near that fatso! TERRY gets off the sofa and scurries for the television remote. COMEDY FILM TEEN 3: How can she live with herself like that? COMEDY FILM TEEN 1: Uh, is it weird that I find her kind of cu- The television is turned off, leaving the room, and the scene itself, completely pitch-black.
